Tuesday, January 28, 2025

A Matter Of Concern That Must Be Discussed……!


Q.1. If the cost of DeepSeek is mere under $10M, then for what Big AI Companies were seeking, investing, justifying, Billions of Dollars in the name of AI, and then to be used, where?

Q.2. It is also in the open (no matter what percentage of it is true), that the AI Giants used the shadow libraries, archives, data scraping, web harvesting (examples: Z-Lib, LIBGEN, Anna’s Archive, Book 3 Dataset, Bibliotik, The Eye, PiLiMi Project etc. etc. (do correct me if I’m wrong)) to train their modules and models; then in/for what, Billions of Dollars were used for, as they didn’t pay to anyone whose DATA they used to train their models, rather, wrongly kept calling it public domain data, which I REFUTED in my blog (Link: https://www.jpranavc.in/2024/11/seems-words-public-domain-and-public.html), as they were misguiding? Thus, for what and where Billions of Dollars vanished, or, was that even justified?

Q3. Mr. Musk rightly asked the same question in case of Wikipedia, that when its Entire DATA can be stored in a Pen Drive, then for what, they require Millions & Billions of Dollars, for their questionable Business!

Q4. Can my theory of Critics Laundering Program now also be corroborated, if this can lead to those missing transactions?

All this must be discussed, as it is a matter of concern w.r.t. INTERNET!

© Pranav Chaturvedi 2025

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Lodha VS Lodha: The Trademark SAGA


Please read my earlier blogs first regarding when it comes to names and surnames, who qualifies for the ownership on that trademark. The links are as given below: https://www.jpranavc.in/2023/11/the-trade-mark-case-involving-trump-too.html AND https://www.jpranavc.in/2021/10/rights-on-name-surname.html

Now, the recent case between Lodha VS Lodha ain’t different, with the exception that, now, same family members are involved. And if someone remembers, a decade back too, a similar case in the real industry came involving the trademark of Hiranandani, again, in a family dispute.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

When Democracy Became Algocracy!


The ‘democracy’ was already replaced by ‘algocracy’ with the spread of plague of social media platforms! So, sometime back, and when I was on twitter (now deleted), this is what I wrote to Twitter’s Jack’al:

and even before that, kept writing about the authentication of the accounts on the internet, even VIA domain name registration details; with of course a caveat that the personal information would be protected & won’t be shared or sold! As I was/am always against Ghost/Pseudoname Writing! So was/am against Ghost Tweeting/Blogging! Furthermore, most of the shady conversations are being made on the Online Video Games (MMORPG) CHAT platforms, or, TOR, or Dark Web! Means, are there any incidents when on open platforms, people discussing about Coup or Dissent or Surveillance or Terrorism or Protests? Let me get illuminated by someone with examples of the intelligent ones!

Monday, January 13, 2025

The Definition Of Data Principal……!


This is in continuation of my previous blog the link of which as follows, but, kindly read my herein below blog first -> Link: https://www.jpranavc.in/2025/01/why-data-principal-was-even-defined-in.html

Just read the definition of Data Principal in the DPDP Act, 2023, against which the Rules have been issued in 2024. My only problem is with the definition of Data Principal, which states:

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Why DATA Principal Was Even Defined In DPDP? My Dilemma!


I’m sure after reading this blog, you would think, I’m raising unwarranted, unwanted, out of the context, issues & definitions. But I’m writing this blog for the reason, I came across to few platforms, where, the definition of the Data Principal has been expanded to include the ‘person’ as well, as I’ll explain in the below paragraphs with examples, how, on the face value or façade, has confused certain aspects of this definition itself. Again, my blogs don’t mere recite the case precedence, or, acts or rules, but try to take the road not taken. Else, everything is in the reference textbooks or online.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Opinion: Resolving IP Infringement Cases Without Putting Burden On COURTS, OR, POCKETS!


Let us accept a fact. Seeking remedy in law is expensive, alike hospitals. And sometimes, you don’t want any solution because, either it would take years, or, you basically can’t afford it. It is like seeking a treatment. If you can afford, you would approach any Private Hospital. If you can’t, you won’t, and accept FATE, which could’ve been altered!

Now my proposal is, and you may call it maybe influenced from Arbitration, or otherwise! But first take this elementary example. If you find your IP online used by someone else, and if you can afford to approach any Attorney, or, a Law Firm to take any further action, viz. perpetual or interim injunction or ex-parte order or a decree against the infringer; you would! But if you can’t, you would just share with your friends or foes this grievance, and, move on. Correct?

So, My Proposal:

Friday, December 20, 2024

Should There Be Any Limitation Timeline For Copyright Infringement?


Let’s separate trademarks, designs, G.I., Patents, and Domain Name Disputes for a moment first, when it come to the infringement proceedings, from the Copyrights (especially in case of sound recordings, musical notes, and cinematography). For the reason that, what is neither compulsory for any industrial applicability, nor for any USER to be proven, nor for any annual or once a decade RENEWAL, nor been asked to submit for the User before Sixth year, nor been whose proprietorship Expires either within 20/10+5/10(recurrence) years, nor if the renewal fees is not PAID. As per my opinion, limitation acts shouldn’t then be applicable for the Copyrights (especially in case of sound recordings, musical notes, and cinematography).

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Mulheres VS Million Years Ago Plagiarism Saga, BERNE’s Resurrection, IP, Timeline Dilemmas! (Edited)


I saw the side-by-side comparison of the song Mulheres VS Million Years Ago. It seems, the latter is replica of the former. Watch the comparison by yourself, the musical notes and the rhythm:  


The important question: acquiescence, laches, delay, condonation, waiver!

Monday, December 16, 2024

Opinion: IP, Outer Space, AND Why WIPO’s Madrid/PCT Can Ne’er Work W.R.T. This!?


There are contradictory terms w.r.t. Outer Space Treaty, TRIPS, and the jurisdiction involving where IP Rights can be covered; within or beyond Karman Line!

Albeit examples are present, like T. 35 U.S.C. S. 105 mentions that, any invention made used sold in outer space object under jurisdiction and control of US shall be considered to be made within the US, along with some caveat of International Agreements. Whilst in other cases, it is either, on whose registry an object is launched, retains jurisdiction, control, rights; unless, subject to international agreements (Article VIII)!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Dilemma: What About INNER Space Treaty On Intelligent Species Another W.R.T. IP Rights?


What if Man’s entry into Discovering of Space vide signing Outer Space Treaties + Different Agreements whether on Moon, No Nuke Tests in Outer Space/Under Water, Space Communication, Space Objects Registration etc.; could also leads to the Man’s entry into Inventing of the Species Another herein, right in this World only? And then, under what Rights it would be covered? Trade Secrets OR Patents?  

The purpose of Space exploration is mainly for two purposes. To discover Resources, or, to find Aliens! I’m skeptical that, in both the cases, once Rare/Super materials, or, Intelligent Species, or their technologies are discovered; such Treaties would even been followed!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Copyrighting VIBES?


This blog is restricted to Words -> ‘Copyrighting VIBES.’ No more! No less!

What exactly is a VIBE?

In Personal context, an Emotional State! An experience of something being exuded by any other Person. In the Material context, maybe Surroundings, let’s say specifically, a decorated room, that gives a feel! But what if in both the cases, should they be live, or, could also be experienced vide Picture, communicated Digitally? Or the Word VIBES, itself is wrongly used, and should be replaced with Themes? And if yes, can common banal themes, further, when you’re not even the creator or originator of individual items (let’s say the Dress or Shoes you’re wearing in any Picture, or, a Sofa of beige colour in the Picture), be considered as a Copyright material? NOT likely!

Friday, December 6, 2024

Transshipment, In-Transit, Customs, IPR, Dilemmas!


Take this example.

Suppose, Subject A sends goods (let’s presume generic pharma products) to Subject C. But Subject A can transport its goods VIA Subject B (transshipment/in-transit/en-route) only. But Subject B confiscate the goods sent buy Subject A on the complaint filed by the local companies under the jurisdiction of Subject B, on the grounds that, the goods In-Transit contains infringed products. Subject A contends, that the goods were lawfully produced in their vicinity under their local laws and no off-patent/trademarked products exists at the location of Subject A, and also, where the goods are being sent to i.e. at the destination of Subject C. Subject C confirms the same. But Subject B contends that as the same products being IP protected under the vicinity of Subject B, the goods in-transit can be confiscated.

Who is correct? Subject A, or, Subject B, or, Subject C, or, both Subject B and Subject C, or, alone Subject B?

Thursday, December 5, 2024

The Trademark Infringement Case B/W Indigo AND Mahindra


As if my proposed (hypothetical) case scenario came true!

If you read one of my earlier blog (Link: https://www.jpranavc.in/2024/11/maybe-theres-no-necessity-for-concept.html), wherein, I drew a comparison what if a day comes when X7 from BMW X7 being taken away by anyone, and as trademarks shall be considered as whole under Section 17, wherein the Classes of goods should also differ, and even if same, then Nandini VS Nandhini would be invoked, as all goods and services in one class can’t be claimed; unless already acquired Well-Known status; thus, such infringement won’t create an issue!

Why Patent of Addition Is ‘Un’required!


Take this example.

On a more elaborative context, aren’t improvements or modifications made on the main invention itself eligible for new invention? We aren’t taking an analogy per se of associated nor of the setories marks, but, the term being same as of the main invention, and, been filed at the time or after the main invention filed.

I coined the definition of Patents long back as -> Discovery++; that means, one step ahead of discovering anything; as there is no such thing called absolute invention. Had that been the case, then the Pharmaceutical Companies, wouldn’t have got so many Patents in their names (an example of that is vide Markush Claim).

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Customs, The IP, The Dilemmas!


Can infringement action w.r.t. entire IP be taken at Customs office only? Answer is both Yes & No!

In case of Copyrights, S. 53 is restricted to the Importation of infringing copies of goods.             

In case of Trademarks, S. 29(6)(c) cites infringement, when import/export are involved.

Patents, as in the amendments of the IPR Enforcement Rules 2007/18: the Patent Act, and Patent as defined in Patent, were omitted in 2018 notification; Yet, mentioned in Section 11(2)(n) of the Customs Act (as per my knowledge and belief).

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Can DATA Be Processed Ethically?


Who decides what is the price of the DATA itself? Emily Dickenson poetries didn’t sell in her lifetime, and there are several other Authors & Painters who became famous posthumously, including Vincent Van Gogh, whose works were understood only by the later generations to come; so, by harvesting the DATA available in the public free of cost, without the users permission or remuneration, aren’t AI companies suppressing both moral, authorship, and monetary rights of the owners?

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Seems The Words ‘Public Domain’ AND ‘Public’ Confused Everyone W.R.T. Copyrights!


First understand the meaning of Publication:

What is publication? By making the work available to the public via issuing of copies, communicating to the public, could be physical distribution / lending, in electronic form, transmission, broadcasting, or vide any other medium. If you publish without license, then this is NOT considered as publication. For Copyrights, either the Work would be Published, or, Unpublished. If Published, you need to mention its first date of publication and the territory where it was first published, and the name of the Publisher, who could the Author himself/herself (self-publisher). And if the work is unpublished, then no date of first publication is needed.

The work when published, may not be available in public as such, albeit, in which case you see for translation/publishing rights/compulsory licenses etc. are acquired by the prospective publisher from the owner/author itself, or, vide making petition to the Registrar of copyrights. Is it Copyright free? Nope! Until the term of the copyright is expired, or the author/owner has renounced its rights, or, certain government works, or, dedicated works. Albeit the legal term of copyright takes decades to expire!

Friday, November 22, 2024

Make Ghostwriting ILLEGAL Across World!

In one of my previous blogs, I proposed that the Certificate of Inventorship is NOT enough! Not only that certificate should include the details of the contribution made by every Inventor, but the same procedure be applied for whilst filling the Declaration of Inventorship. Of course, and it is absolutely acceptable and correct when the Inventors are bound by Employer-Employee agreements, Contracts, which rightfully prohibits them to claim for the same invention. BUT, in the invention, one should know exactly what the contribution of each cited individual is. No more. No less!

The same analogy I’m using with respect for Ghostwriting; albeit now, expanding its scope, making even any contract made with the Ghostwriter, void or void-ab-initio. Or make a provision that the Author of the Book who took the help of any Ghostwriter, must mention in the Book, as who exactly has written the Book.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Data Collection + Data Reproduction == Copyright Infringement!


This is utterly amusing that, some of the AI companies, are now issuing such bizarre statements, that the Data which is available in the Public domain, is presumed to be open for everyone, and in one case, even one of the billionaire founder made a statement that when, if in any case your Data is not making money in the public domain, so it is better to be used by the AI companies for their training module, rather, the owner being objecting to it! And such bizarre statements have been echoed by many in the mainstream too. I won’t publish the specific names.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Maybe There’s No Necessity For The Concept Of Trademark As A WHOLE!


Take this hypothetical example first. Let us consider BMW X7 as a DEVICE Mark. Now as BMW is well-known, no one would imitate it. But presume, someone starts using X7 for their products or services falling either in same or different classes. Could that be considered as an infringement/passing off? Let us say, the individual using X7 for its products or services now files for another DEVICE mark, say, X7 XYZ, and it’s been granted with a DISCLAIMER that mark to be used on ‘AS IS’ basis, considered as Whole, and no rights be given to any descriptive feature.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Case Involving Ukraine’s Trademark On Russia


In one of my previous blog, before even the Hon’ble S.C. of U.S. judgement, I wrote that the Applicant who filed for Trademark viz. ‘Trump Too Small’, WON’T win, and that too, a year back! This was ratified months later. Here’s the link given below: https://www.jpranavc.in/2023/11/the-trade-mark-case-involving-trump-too.html

Now, the EU Court has correctly denounced Ukraine the Trademark: ‘Russian Warship, Go F**k Yourself’, which became famous after the soldier’s encounter with the Russian Navy’s demand of surrender of Snake Island in Black Sea.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Can NATURE Be Granted Personhood?


In 2017, Whanganui River was granted the personhood in New Zealand. That means, a River with a legal person status.

If you remember Naruto Monkey’s case involving a Selfie, when PETA wanted animals to become Copyright holders too, i.e., bestowing them legal entity status under the IP Act. Albeit, the courts disagreed, as a monkey cannot claim for copyright violation in parallel to a legal entity. Whilst contrary to this, in India, hon’ble courts have equated animals in parallel to legal entities/persons. But does that mean they can become co-Applicant for the Copyright Application too? That’s the grey area.

Friday, November 1, 2024

AI VS Judiciary VS Reasoning


If the Judiciary can use the AI for its services, be it at the intermediary stage maybe, then how come Courts can question about the AI’s ‘Reasoning’ part itself, when defining the definition of the Natural Person? Even under the Law, once a person stops applying the reasoning, then in the decision-making process, for example, Contract signing, WILLs, Assignments, Decrees etc., the person’s signatory execution doesn’t count. Correct? Issue is, in many courts around World, AI is even used to pass the Decrees in the matters where even small causes matters are involved, and not mere ticketing. And let’s say, even where the basic ticketing is involved, then too, before the AI systems, humans were doing it; and then they were being replaced by the AI, that provide the same, logic and reason, that any human used to provide! In any case, the AI systems are more robust, as no level of corruption is involved. Means, on the ethical point of view, the AI system is better at the administrative level too, compared to what it used to be. Correct? Now the major question ensues:

Thursday, October 31, 2024

What Is Useful, May Not Be……


This is true that what is useful, may not necessarily be an invention. Rather, most of the invented products are not even useful. A company would show their portfolio of Intellectual Property, in which, they’ve piled up patented products, trademarks that are meant to be Proposed to be Used only. Yet, most of that stock never end up in the Market, nor become innovation.

Friday, October 25, 2024

When IPRP == IPER, OR, Should It Be?


The lucid the law, lucid its implementation. And minimal the terms, the better the understandings. In the end, if the Demand is not filed, then ISA/WO becomes IPRP published before the regional entry. And if the Demand is filed, then the IPRP becomes IPER == IPRP –> II, aka Chapter II, issued by the IPEA. Thus, would it be wrong to call IPER as mere IPRP (interchangeably) without using the term Chapter – II or I, and by mere adding/subtracting the term, IPRP with Demand? Thus, when the Demand is filed, it’s also IPRP, and when the Demand is not filed, then too it’s IPRP. Rather using the terms IPEA -> IPER -> IPRP-Chapter -  II; or ISA/WO -> IPRP - Chapter-I; would it be improper to use IPRP without Demand, or IPRP with Demand. In any case, the ISR/WO probably converts to IPRP without demand, or, IPER by IPEA is converted to IPRP-CH-II with Demand.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

This Is Amusing……

This is amusing! I read this article (Philosopher finds glitch in worldwide patent laws). But, if you go through my blogs on my blog portal, then not only I’ve found flaws in the Worldwide Patent Laws, but also in the Madrid Procedures, BERNE Convention, w.r.t. Examination Reports issued under the ISA (IPRP, SISA, ISR, or Local FERs), and how they’re in contradiction with the examination reports issued in the Trademark Applications at local laws; and on what grounds the Natural Person / Co-Inventor should include AI and Robots, with respect to Reason and Logic, and many others, and wherein why the AI Systems generating sub-AI Systems should be included under the list of Providers/Deployers/Operators too; First.

Just because I don’t send my writings in any of the formal journals, newspapers; nor I’m a part of academia, corporate or media; and restrict this data further to my own blogs only and furthermore include it in my IP books that I publish separately:

Friday, October 11, 2024


In my previous blogs, I discussed the cusp where AI can, or, ought to have been considered as an Inventor, if not an Applicant, or atleast a Joint Applicant or one of the inventor signing the declaration of inventorship.

Further, I discussed and tried to distinguish w.r.t. computer generated literary works, that in those circumstances, the author ought to have been included under the copyright act universally, restricted to literary and dramatic works only, and NOT the artistic works. I gave the reason, example and analogy of Computer vs. Typewriter whilst including under definition of Section 2(d)(vi) of the copyrights act; the definition which is globally accepted and is as per the BERNE CONVENTION too.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Specifications and ITS Many Dilemmas


In one my previous blogs I discussed that, even in u/s 10(4)(c) and 10(5) or u/r 13 of Patents, it’s not precisely mentioned how the structure of the Claims should be defined, except the non-mandatory guidelines of WIPO that’s been followed. And if further you read Article 6 of the PCT, it defines that Claims should be precise and concise. But in Rule 6.3 (c) of the Regulations, what exactly it mentions? It states that:

‘where the national law of the designated State does not require the manner of claiming provided for in paragraph (b), failure to use that manner of claiming shall have no effect in that State provided the manner of claiming actually used satisfies the national law of that State.’

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Dilemma of S. 2(d)(vi) in the Copyright


What it says; says every section and article around World that defines an Author, when it comes to the computer generated related work:

‘…..in relation to any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work which is computer-generated, the person who causes the work to be created…..’

Now, I’m not invoking the Natural person concept in the current scenario. But if you closely look around the definition, it mentions that a computer-generated work, wherein the person who generates that work becomes the author, and not the person who has made that program. But herein the dilemma ensues.

Notice the difference herein, as this section ought to have been only applicable for the ‘literary and dramatic’ works; and NEVER for the ‘artistic’ works. How? Take these examples.

Friday, October 4, 2024

AI vs Provider vs TMs, And Dilemmas About Identities!


In the EU AI Act of 2024, in the definition of the Provider, it includes two specific terms: first is …..legal person….. and another is ‘……puts the AI system into service under its own NAME or TRADEMARK….’. I would be restricting to the Trademark definition that further involves ‘legal person’ and as in my book also, I discussed the famous case of DABUS when deriving an analogy between AI as a Natural Person and the Machine itself.

Now, we are all familiar with the AI machines run by several companies, have their own names. Whether there’s DABUS, GEMINI, CoPilot, Optimus the Tesla Bot, OpenAI, and the list goes on and on.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Dilemma OF Floating Domain Names After Non-Renewal


In my previous blog, I opined that the trademarks shouldn’t be removed or rectified in the register, if in case of non-use; unless of course, in case in the event of non-renewal. Further, I rather suggested a proposition that the trademarks shall be suspended if in case of non-user, rather being opened for the public at large to assert the rights on it (except in case of honest concurrent user); because, if there’s no need of compulsory license required in the case of trademarks, in the case of designs, or in the case of domain names; then the provision of compulsory USER doesn’t make any sense in case of trademarks, designs and domain names; whereas, if anyone remembers, domain names once used to be FREE; yet, it is understandable, that costs needs to be covered; yet, my proposition as defined below and in my previous blog, could be applicable.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Working Of Patents VS Trademarks VS Copyrights; AND The Dilemmas, As Usual!


My blogs explore Dilemmas in IP & Domain Name Disputes; and any Opposition is always welcomed!

Under S. 146 (2) and R. 131 (1), one needs to file the Statement of Working of a Patent, once every Three Financial Years, albeit earlier it used to be annually. Which is of course justifiable, as in case in the event of non-working of Patents, and as the Inventions are genuinely considered and made for the benefit of the society, then either the patented invention can be revoked due to its non-working, or, the process of Compulsory License can be initiated u/s 84.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Dilemmas of UDRP


Just an Opinion!

Now, if one looks at Paragraph 4(k) of the UDRP Policy, then the scenario of non-implementation / approaching independent resolution w.r.t to the decision of the Panelist(s) (one or three) is as mentioned:

My contention is (could be opposed too) that the remedy available for the cctld (let's say at any national dispute redressal level for eg. INDRP), would be more robust if being compared to what remedy is available for the gtld domain name disputes at UDRP Provider(s). The reasons I would surmise:

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Period Between Priority and Publication!


A dilemma I discussed about the infringement invoking retrospective rights between the period of publication and date of grant. But the question ensues, what about the period between priority and date of publication, which has not been discussed by many, even explicitly not been mentioned in the act itself, as per my knowledge and belief, and if I’m not wrong!

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Infringement Provision In Patent


One is familiar with the infringement proceedings with respect to the trademark, as in that case, the mark needs to be registered first, in case the proprietor wants to act w.r.t. infringement. The mark should be valid & subsisting. And if in case registration pending/not registered, then the option is of passing off. Thus, even if the mark is not registered, one has the legal remedy to initiate the passing off action. But what happens in case of Patents (from an Indian perspective), between the timeline when the patent is -> filed and before the grant (not yet granted)?

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Atleast AI Shouldn’t Evolve VIA Random Harvested DATA!


Just alike PR + Recommendations == Trash! So as AI built on the foundation of random DATA, would eventually be an AI Trash!

Further, it seems, the companies are now updating in their agreements, terms & conditions too w.r.t. Artificial Intelligence Content for a better transparent system, which is a welcome step! Under Your (User) Content, they’re mentioning that the IP rights belongs to the USER only (if they truly hold); and further, under their artificial intelligence services, they’re including that the USER of their AI services, would not use the services for WEB Scraping, WEB Harvesting, WEB DATA Extraction, Weighing the Models, To Create/Train/Improve other AI Models; which is again a welcome step (and that I’ve also mentioned in my previous blogs), and as per the BERNE Convention & TRIPS Agreement, which would stop its wrongful Commercial Usage and also building of Clutter in the AI industry as well, which would help in building a better AI!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Opinion: E-Contracts && IP


The essential component of any contract is Consideration in return; unless and until it is restricted to charity, gifts, family affections etc. Now, unless any organization is registered as a non-profit, or, there’s a family affection involved; generally, there must be some kind of consideration involved; until further that isn’t in contravention to any laws of the land, for eg., in case of minors being the signatory, or, unlawful purposes, etc.

Now, if we converge both the E-Contracts && IPR; then there’s a relation that can be included, which I presume so far not being taken into account. We’ve mostly three types of E-Contracts: Shrink-Wrap; Browse- Wrap and Click-Wrap. The concerns are w.r.t. Click-Wrap & Browse-Wrap.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A Need to Re-Implementation of BERNE Convention!


Whether it comes to imitating in the mainstream; or the DATA on the Internet which is being used against the provisions of every single reciprocal treaties or TRIPS agreement; which was ought to have been restricted for personal & private use, R&D, academic only; YET, that has been used to train from AIs for 'commercial usage' (against Article 10 & 10bis, 11 ter, 12 of BERNE Convention), to, someone’s ancient knowledge been projected as someone else’s, as the latter being the architect of the same; or, whether the natural habitat & the presence of  its steroidal compounds in lab being extracted (albeit that would come under the ambit of Patents again), and then being claimed as the originator & inventor of the same.

Monday, August 5, 2024



Important Aspects of EU's AI ACT


  •          ChatGPT alike Generative AI are albeit not being considered as High Risk, but would’ve to adhere with the Copyright Regulations. And as the Copyright Act is governed by the BERNE Convention and there’s no Formality required, unlike in the case of WIPO’s Madrid, PCT & Hague; then that means ChatGPT and its cousins, friends, enemies; have to adhere by the Copyright Laws. This would be troubling for them. As they would’ve to publish the Data used for Training of AI models. If someone remembers, NYT sued ChatGPT because of the same reason. And as I also pointed out in my book and blogs that how algorithms being used by manipulation of DATA to index the pages in search; then that might also come under the ambit of this regulation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

What Defines Originality?


Whilst filing for the copyright, of course, one would be asked whether the work is original or translation or adaptation as shown below.

But according to me, what is Copyrightable shouldn’t qualify to implicitly become Original, or be part of the term - > Originality.

A.I. Hallucination, AND, Submission Of Case Precedence!

  There’re few incidents wherein A.I. hallucinations resulted in the action against those in the legal sector who submitted wrong case pre...