Wednesday, January 15, 2025

When Democracy Became Algocracy!


The ‘democracy’ was already replaced by ‘algocracy’ with the spread of plague of social media platforms! So, sometime back, and when I was on twitter (now deleted), this is what I wrote to Twitter’s Jack’al:

and even before that, kept writing about the authentication of the accounts on the internet, even VIA domain name registration details; with of course a caveat that the personal information would be protected & won’t be shared or sold! As I was/am always against Ghost/Pseudoname Writing! So was/am against Ghost Tweeting/Blogging! Furthermore, most of the shady conversations are being made on the Online Video Games (MMORPG) CHAT platforms, or, TOR, or Dark Web! Means, are there any incidents when on open platforms, people discussing about Coup or Dissent or Surveillance or Terrorism or Protests? Let me get illuminated by someone with examples of the intelligent ones!

Now in the age of DPDP, PIPL, GDPR; which I can also guarantee, no matter how many laws and rules you would bring, the Personal Information would be sold, shared by the Tech companies, as was done earlier, & too would be done in future. Just alike, whilst existence of BERNE, YET, AI companies kept stealing DATA of hundreds of millions of Users to train their Models, and further floating it as the Subscription based platform, making tens of billions of dollars in valuations. Just search, when the search engines first brought the copyright disclaimer feature under the image search functionality! Until they themselves learnt about something called copyrights even exist!

And as I wrote w.r.t. EU AI Act, wherein even AI can be included as a Natural Person, in accordance with their own definition only; finding the grey area in it. Further, proving that these Clickwrap, Browsewrap online Agreements can be easily proven void/voidable/void-ab-initio! YET, they’re/would always be, openly used without any hindrance! Just go through my previous blogs.

Thus, until the companies only, who had/have no idea of several things, or maybe they had, yet, ne’er adhered to it, rectify their own ethical evolution or valuation; no law or draft, would be able to rectify the present Internet, maintaining the status-quo, forever!

The word indemnification would always come into role. The Social Media companies (who don’t consider themselves as Publishers), would always invoke the indemnification clause; against the USERS, and against the Third Parties!😊

© Pranav Chaturvedi

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